Image Clipping Path India using FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is a most dominant and trustworthy technique of upload and download huge files or high resolution of file. You can easily upload/download folder and any quantity or size of files by using FTP, there is no limitations.

How to utilize FTP?
You first need to install FileZilla or other FTP client software on your computer. There is a lot of FTP client software available on the Internet that you can use, and most of them are FREE & friendly.
How to login our FTP:
Just send an FTP request below from our website, as soon as receive your request we will create an account and send you an email with FTP login details.
Your login details would be as follows:
FTP Host: ftp.clippingplace.com
FTP Username: ftp username
Password: password (We provide)
If you need help to use FTP, please check out our FileZilla FTP tutorial. If you need help using any other FTP software please see their documentation or use Google to find a good tutorial.
Please do not hesitate to contact us, if you need any other help using our FTP.